Mr.Menu Handy

Privacy policy and user service protocols

1 special presentation

Thank you for the use of the application product "handy you" (developed as "this product") developed and offered service to the restaurant

Before using this product, please read the "user service contract" (hereinafter referred to as "contract") to make sure that you understand the terms of this Agreement fully. Carefully read and choose whether you accept or accept this agreement. After you agree and click on the terms of this Agreement and complete your login, you can become a formal user of this product and receive a variety of services. The act of registration, login, and use is deemed to be the acceptance of this Agreement and agrees to accept the restrictions of the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to this agreement or have questions in the terms of this agreement, please discontinue action immediately and choose not to use this site service.

This agreement promises the rights and obligations of this product service (hereinafter referred to as "service") between the company and the user.

"User" refers to an individual, a unit to register, login and use the service. This agreement can be updated at any time, and instead of the original contract clause when the updated contract clause is published, the user can examine the latest contract terms in the product without notice.

If the user does not agree to the modified clause after changing the terms of the contract, immediately discontinue use of the service provided by this product. Users continue to use the services provided by this product and are deemed to accept the modified protocol.

2. Account Registration

1. Users must register an account before using this Service. Accounts must be registered using the account of the relevant business, and the Company may change the methods of account registration and binding according to the needs of Users and the requirements of the Product without prior notice.

2. If there is a precedent of being prohibited by the Company, suspicion of abusive registration with false information or registration in the name of another person, or any other reason for which permission cannot be obtained, the Company may reject such registration applications.

3. Account Security

1. Upon successful registration, Users become users of this Product and obtain a username and password, with the right to log in at any time using their own username and password.

2. Users are responsible for the security of their username and password, and shall bear all responsibilities for all activities and events conducted under their username.

3. Users shall not transfer their username to others or grant permission to others in any form.

4. Users should keep their passwords properly and not disclose them to others. Users shall bear all losses incurred due to poor password storage.

5. If a User's password is leaked, they should immediately contact our customer service staff as it may result in adverse legal consequences, and the consequences are at their own risk if they fail to do so for any reason threatening the security of their password.

4. User Declaration and Warranty

1. Users acknowledge that they have full civil capacity and have the ability to fulfill their obligations by completing transactions.

2. Users have the obligation to provide their true information at the time of registration, ensuring the validity and security of information such as mobile phone numbers, names, and addresses, and guaranteeing that our employees can contact Users through the above contacts. At the same time, Users also have the obligation to promptly update relevant registration information if it has actually changed.

3. Users shall not, through any content created, uploaded, copied, distributed, or disseminated during the use of this Product, violate the registration information and authentication materials such as account faces, names, and user descriptions, or transmissions, replies, and related link pages of texts, audios, images, videos, texts, etc., as well as other contents generated by the use of accounts or this Service, including but not limited to, violations of relevant national laws and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to:

4. Users shall not create, upload, copy, distribute, or disseminate content that disrupts the normal operation of this Product or infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties using the Product or this Service. This includes, but is not limited to:

5. Service Content

1. The service content of this Product shall be provided according to actual situations, including but not limited to:

2. This Product reserves the right to review or delete, at any time, any content suspected of being illegal or violating socialist spiritual civilization, or any content deemed inappropriate by this Product (including but not limited to texts, audios, images, video images, etc.).

3. All notifications and other messages sent to Users can be sent through the contacts provided by this Product or Users.

6. Termination of Service

1. In the following cases, the Company has the right to terminate the provision of services to Users:

2. After the service is terminated, the Company has no obligation to transfer the original account or related information to Users or third parties, nor does it have to retain or transmit any information that Users have not read or sent.

3. Users understand and agree that even after the termination of this Agreement and the termination of User services, the Company still has the following rights:

7. Changes and Interruptions of Service

1. Considering the nature of network services, Users agree that this Product may change or interrupt some or all of the network services without notifying Users, and the Company shall not be liable to Users or third parties, nor is it required to delete (retain) any materials submitted by Users during use.

2. This Product may need to inspect or update the platform providing network services regularly or irregularly. If network services are interrupted within a reasonable time due to such circumstances, the Company shall not be liable for this.

8. Amendment of Service Terms

1. The Company has the right to modify any content of this Service Agreement at any time, and when any content of this Service Agreement is changed, the Company will provide Users with the modified content in an appropriate manner.

2. If Users do not agree with the modifications made by the Company to this Service Agreement, Users have the right to suspend the use of network services.

3. If Users continue to use network services, they are deemed to have accepted the modifications made by the Company to this Service Agreement.

9. Disclaimer and Compensation Statement

1. If this Product has already made it clear that changes have occurred in its service provision method and has reminded Users to pay attention, all consequences of Users not operating as required shall be borne by Users themselves.

2. Users fully assume the risks of using this Product and agree to bear all consequences of using this Product.

3. Users agree to ensure and maintain the interests of this Product and other Users. If Users engage in illegal, untrue, fraudulent, or infringing activities on the legitimate rights and interests of third parties while using this Product, or if Users cause losses to the Company or other third parties due to any provision of this Agreement, Users agree to bear the liability for damages caused thereby.

10. Privacy Statement

1. Scope of Application:

2. Use of Information:

3. Information Disclosure: Users' personal information may be disclosed in whole or in part in the following cases:

Eleven, Miscellaneous

1. The Company alerts Users that clauses within this Agreement exempting the Company from liability and restricting Users' rights should be read carefully, and Users should consider the risks autonomously. Minors should read this Agreement under the supervision of legal guardians.

2. The effectiveness, interpretation, and resolution of disputes of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the country to which the Company belongs. In the event of any disputes or conflicts between the User and the Company, they must first attempt to resolve them amicably. If such consultation fails, the User agrees to submit the dispute or conflict to the People's Court with jurisdiction over the Company's domicile.

3. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid for any reason or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding on both parties.

4. The final interpretation of this Agreement belongs to the Company, which reserves all rights of interpretation and amendment.

5. This Agreement shall be effective from November 1, 2023.

Collection and Use of Information

1. Camera

Overview: The camera is a permission with confidentiality. It is only turned on when required, such as for scanning codes.

In particular, we do not open the camera without permission to steal privacy or collect information. We do not push information or advertisements through such illegal means.

2. Data Sharing and Disclosure

Usage of camera, albums, photo shooting, uploading, and scanning of QR codes for identification Contact:

Greedy Cat Japan株式会社

Telephone: 010-53399332

Last Updated: November 01, 2023